
Monday, January 11, 2010

What's for Dinner?

With a new year, comes New Year's Resolutions for losing weight. For the next several weeks our menu will following along (as close as possible) to follow the South Beach Diet. For the first two weeks of Phase 1, we focus on lean meats, green vegetables, cheeses, mushrooms, nuts, and no sugar added or natural sugar items and no starches.

  • Scrambled eggs with Canadian bacon or back bacon
  • Omelets with onion, cheese, ham, and peppers
  • Lettuce salads with cucumber and 1/2 tomato cut up, Italian dressing
  • Oriental cabbage salad with chicken (not totally SB-P1 compliant but I don't like lettuce)
  • Chicken salad on lettuce or cabbage
Snacks (3 snacks a day):
  • deviled eggs (heavier on mustard than mayo)
  • Celery sticks filled with peanut butter
  • 15 cashews or 20 dry roasted peanuts
  • 1 mozzarella cheese stick
  • 2 Tbsp peanut butter
  • sugar free Jello
  • turkey slices with Red Leicester cheese rolled up inside
  • South Beach Peanut Butter Cookies
For a list of items and menu guidelines for the South Beach Diet - Phase 1 check out:

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