My mom "made" lots of things for our family but she also "made" me into the person I am today. Now it's my turn to do the same for my kids and family.
A little poem I wrote for you....
I sew, bake, cook, create...
refinish, repurpose, recycle, re-paint...
I like to plant gardens, entertain friends, and make gifts to set on your shelf...
I do it all because I'm obsessed with figuring out how to make it myself.
Not only do I like to physically create things with my hands but it is my duty to make sure I "make" my children and husband into amazing people. But to "make" them great I need to "make" myself into a better person as well. While my mom was a great example, there is a woman outlined in Proverbs 31 who is a virtuous woman revered by her husband, praised by her children, and someone who God wants me to model my life after.
I truly believe that God has given me many gifts and talents and for some reason this blog has been an outlet for me to share with others all these things I like to make and create. My life's goal is to parallel all the things I like to make to fit with the ways of the Proverbs 31 Woman. So follow along with me on this journey and see what we can all "make" of it....
Four years after starting this blog, God blessed me with turning my passion of sewing into a full time home business. Today I am the owner and head seamstress of The Unlimited Stitch - home sewn gifts, embroidery and sewing services. You can check out what I make for others to purchase by checking out my website at www.theunlimitedstitch.com along with following me on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TheUnlimitedStitch. I also operate a shop on Etsy if you want to purchase items from me there as well at www.etsy.com/shop/TheUnlimitedStitch .
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