Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Cookie Exchange Brunch

I think a Christmas Cookie Exchange is a great event to use as an ice breaker for people you getting to know better and a wonderful holiday experience to share with some of your closest of friends. This year because my Christmas Cookie Exchange has become quite popular amongst the Brits I decided to host two parties to accommodate as many people as I could around the holiday season. I made hand made invitations in small scrolls with a ribbon tied around them and hand delivered them to my guests.

This party was a brunch held during morning "preschool" time. I asked each lady to bring 3 dozen cookies/cakes along with about 10 copies of the recipes. I set out some nice holiday plates around my dining room table for each person to put their cookies on when they arrived, then offered up beverages to my guests.

To keep things a little structured, I asked each guest to share their name, the type of cookie they made, why they selected it, where they got the recipe and have they made any modifications to the original recipe.

Next we ate some brunch and I served the following items:

Mini Sausage Quiches

Beverages served:  A proper "English" tea, coffee, and juice

While eating I asked everyone to go around and share one of their favorite Christmas traditions, either from their childhood or now with their own families. This was my most favorite time because I had quite a unique group of ladies with some many different backgrounds and traditions. Some stories make you laugh and other make you cry and I swear I am going to write a book some day with all of these stories in them to share with others.

After our gab session, we all gathered around the dining room table and picked up our share of cookies and secured them in our take away containers.

Cookies/cakes made from my 2010 brunch party:
  • Holiday Sandies (my recipe) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!
  • Raspberry White Chocolate Cookies
  • Rocky Road
  • Viennese Biscuits
  • 3 traditional Polish cakes
  • Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies (one friend got away with bring store bought cookies as her kitchen was under construction)
I'll get the rest of these cookies posted soon!!!

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